I hope this message finds you and yours well and in good health
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of Casey Kok, one of the Building Operators Association's longest-serving executive members. Throughout his many years with the Association, Casey held numerous positions, including Welcoming Committee member, Treasurer, Editor, and Chairman.
I first met Casey when he was the editor of our magazine, "The Oper8tor." He tirelessly gathered articles and information, assembling the magazine for printing. In those days, when it was produced using a photocopier, Casey would staple the copies into book form and mail them to our membership. He must have licked countless stamps over the years! Casey's dedication to the Building Operators Association was unwavering. He authored our by-laws and kept us informed with monthly "Safety Talks" readings. For many years, he also served as our "Webmaster," spending countless evenings updating our online presence.
Casey brought humor to every meeting, sharing jokes—some funnier than others—that never failed to lighten the mood. In recent years, his illness prevented him from attending many meetings. Mark Arton and I would meet him for coffee near his home to update him on our progress. Throughout his involvement, Casey's wife, Debbie, was a steadfast supporter of his commitment to the Association.
A Red Seal Electrician by trade and a Class A Building Operator for 60 years, Casey earned the respect of all associates in our industry. He was the kind of Building Operator who would visit a struggling colleague, offering not just advice but also hands-on assistance, rolling up his sleeves to resolve any issue. Casey's passing leaves a void in our hearts that can never be filled. His unique, "old school" dedication to all Building Operators shaped our past and will continue to influence our future. Words feel inadequate to sum up his immense contributions to the Building Operators Association.
Thank you, Casey and Debbie. We will miss you, dear friend.
Warm regards,
See you at the next meeting, March 11th at the Danish Canadian Club
The building Operators Association will delay the trade show to the spring. We send regrets and will try to arrange it to not coincide with the oil and gas shows that typically run the spring dates. I will contact the companies that made inquiries to let them know of the proposed schedule.
By now you should have received the membership dues notification. I hope you will process it asap. It is our source of revenue that allows us to continue. Please, support us as we support you.
Smiles)) Les Anderson
Let us have a safe 2025