In 1964 a couple of people employed in the field of building operations got together to discuss and solve the problems they encountered in their work.
The group called itself the Calgary Building Superintendents Association. The association registered with the Societies Branch on May 26, 1967. Over the years, the name of the association has changed from Calgary Building Superintendents Association to Calgary Building Superintendents and Operators Association and then to its present name of the Building Operators Association (Calgary).
The association has been instrumental in setting up educational courses with the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) and is doing so on a continual basis. As well, the association has a representative on the Alberta Power Engineering Curriculum Committee. The purpose of this committee is to bring together education, labour and industry representatives who are concerned with the curriculum used in all aspects of Power Engineering in Alberta.
The association meets on the second Tuesday of every month from September to June at the Danish Canadian Club, 727 - 11th Avenue S.W. Calgary. The monthly meeting includes a guest speaker on topics relative to the practice of building operations and related trades. Biennial trade shows and seminars held by BOA allow people to be involved in the Operations of a facility. Associates can meet and exchange ideas with their peers and those contractors whose services complement our professional environment.